Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Things are looking sunny...

Well the weather can't seem to make up it's mind what it's doing out there (yesterday was positively beautiful, then it started snowing in the evening) but the blueberry bushes know what's up as they are slowly starting to bud and leaf! Marc, who has become a blueberry expert these last few months, showed us all recently which parts of the branch were going to be blueberries and which parts were leaves. It's very exciting inspecting a plant and seeing all those blueberry buds!
Our raking and pruning endeavors are close to finished, and then it's onto the next step. Our backs won't complain when the raking is finished!
We are a mere week and a half away from selling our first batch of home-grown chickens. We sold out in no time flat, so if you were hoping to buy a nice plump Meadowbrook farm chicken this first batch, you'll have to give us a call and pre-order for the next time 'round! The next order will be due mid-May. We also upped the amount we are selling, due to popular demand! 70 chickens just isn't enough for you hungry people. 150 is where we're going next...how quickly can we sell them??
The house seems to be doing quite well, as we change and improve things here and there. Liz recently made up a 'household chores' list, and we've all agreed to try and check off anything we can for that given day. The kids also seem to be settling in a lot better these days. There are less tantrums, and more co-operation. Don't get me wrong, there are still numerous 'time outs' in a day, but they are learning. When asked what he get's for whining and crying the other day, Jeremiah promptly answered "I get a tiiiime out." Half the time when one of the twins gets a time out, the other sits on the stair too, which we find somewhat amusing. Hey, brothers have to stick together, right? The main point is, the adults are trying our best to stick together as a team, and dish out the discipline as best we can when we're the only one around. The kids took a while to grow accustomed to not just two adults watching their every move, but 6 now, and they are starting to realize it's harder to get away with something! Consistency and love are what is keeping us all sane.
Stay tuned for more Meadowbrook Farmily news :)


  1. Wow! Those chickens grow up fast! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. No kidding! I guess the term 'porkers' wouldn't really apply here...heh.
