Friday, 16 March 2012

The Farmily Movie Night!

We're an adventuresome lot around here. Why do I say that?

Because we actually attempted movie & dinner in the grown-up livingroom. With all the kids. Best part? We fed them nachos for dinner.

Surprisingly, it went alright. We had very little spillage (we imagined spilled cups, broken chips and salsa from one wall to the other, to be honest) and the kids were pretty well behaved, considering! Here are some photos. We watched Kung Foo Panda :)

It will be a treat event, and certainly not very often (not a whole lot of nutritional value in chips, cheese and beef, you'll be surprised to hear. Shocking, I know.) but it was fun to do something out of the box with the kids. It's the kind of thing we hope they remember once they get a little older. 


  1. And you also fed them a human-sized hamburger...

  2. Well you know, the babies were hungry too and didn't want to be left out of the nutritionally insufficient dinner.

  3. What happened to Josh, I see he has a large bandage on his arm?

  4. He was being silly and manly and decided to try punching a piece of furniture as we were disposing of it. He broke his hand in the process :P

    1. I'm sure glad I'm womanly and not manly :)

  5. awwww.....looks like a cosy farmily evening ! Reminds me of when we used to do "camp-outs" in the livingroom by the fireplace when Josh was little.
