Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Excitment is Growing

Well we're a mere month and a half away from taking possession of our newly purchased blueberry farm. The three families are planning planning planning as we sort out how this will all work! When three families are living together, things tend to be a little more complicated. We have confidence that things will get there in the end though!
The boys have started pruning already, in order to make sure they are done in time. Being the first year they are bound to be a bit slower than in years to come, so it was wise to get them going a few months early to play it safe. They are doing a great job so far, and hope to have the fields half done by possession date.
Laura and Liz (with some help from others here and there) have begun the care of the horses and cows and are getting a feel for some of the chores that will need to be done on a daily basis, 24/7. The animals don't take a holiday from eating!
Once we take possession we will be sure to post a bunch of photos from around the farm. Keep checking in! Especially after January 17th when the real fun begins!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to following your exciting adventure :)
