Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Their journey to their new home went off without a hitch. Some of them were even still half asleep when we got home! This photo certainly doesn't look like there is almost 70 chickens in it, but there is. The space they're in is nice and large, and they are all cuddled up under the heater for the night. I look forward to watching them grow!

The haunting of the Noro!

Well, as we have learned, living in a big house has it's ups, and it's downs. This past week, we have learned what 'communal' living can really be all about.
You got it, we all got sick.
As some of you may have learned, the Noro-virus is spreading through Victoria like some kind of bathroom nightmare, and the Farmily was no exception. It's fast, but it's brutal, and living in one big house only means there was more people to spread it to. Thankfully, the littlest ones didn't seem affected, and Jeremiah and Hannah only had it for a small amount of time. Us adults however...well let's just say it's a good thing we all have our own washrooms. And one to spare.
On a better note, we pick up our chickens this evening! Soon the chicken barn will be a feathery, poopy, smelly place to be, but as for now it is pristine and all ready for the noisy arrival of some odd 70 chickens.
Photos to follow!

Monday, 6 February 2012

Chickens and Raking!

Now that we're all getting a good feel for our 'farm' legs, things have kicked it up into high gear around here as February trucks right along. The boys are still doing a great job pruning, with the wonderful and amazing help of our mentors Bryan and Lynn, and Liz along with Katie and several others have begun the task of raking up the snipped branches and all the fallen leaves. We had a business meeting to make sure we're all on the same page as to what needs to be done, and we all agree, being a farmer means work! It's a very satisfying kind of work, however, one that at the end of the day you can sit in the hot tub and feel truly accomplished for the day.
We spent the morning on Saturday prepping the large barn area where we will be housing our chickens. They are due to arrive towards the end of February, and we are excited! The area now has the layer of wood shavings needed, the watering canisters are in place, and Josh will be hanging the food canisters before the weekend. Add in our heat lamp, and voila! Chicken paradise! Well, at least until it's time to....well you know. Heh.
Stay tuned! Liz will certainly be hovering around with her camera in the next few weeks and she will be sure to post more photos. Chickens and raking and pruning oh my!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Settling In.

Well it's been over a week of the Godbeers, McIlveens, and Uptons all living under one roof, and no one is deceased yet!
Life is settling into a nice routine around here. The boys are gone most of the day, with the exception of the tired looking ghost Marc who is working at a bakery doing his usual night shifts, and the girls are dividing their time around the house between kids, housework, farm work, and more kids. Did I mention kids?
Today Liz wandered around the property with Elijah in tow and took some photos for everyone's enjoyment. Here you go!
Cliff tossing down bales of hay to Marc in the cow barn.

Our bare looking blueberry bushes! Not for long though!

The view across the lake towards the rental house and large chicken barn.

Marc peeking through the window into the cow barn.

The view I enjoy on my way to feed the cows every day!

The cow barn and part of the cow field.

Sully being a nutter and waiting for me to kick the stick he so carefully selected.

Our cows, T-Bone and Rib-Eye. Heh.

Not kidding, the view from our kitchen. Amazing.

Many more photos will be taken, no worries. There are none from inside here as of yet, since we are still in the process of 'beautifying' it!